Disorders 4

Praca nagrodzona I nagrodą

These days it is difficult to be in peace. People fight over nonsense with strangers, friends, and – worst of all – with themselves. Each one of these fights leaves behind scars and injuries. Step by step it is destroying, tearing up, and wrecking the man to finally bring about complete destruction… Is there a way out of it?

„Disorders” Seria zdjęć wysłana w 2019 roku na 11 Międzynarodowy Konkurs Fotograficzny „Młody człowiek w XXI wieku” . Prace „Disorders 3” i „Disorders 4” zdobyły pierwszą nagrodę.

These days it is difficult to be in peace. People fight over nonsense with strangers, friends, and – worst of all – with themselves. Each one of these fights leaves behind scars and injuries. Step by step it is destroying, tearing up, and wrecking the man to finally bring about complete destruction… Is there a way out of it?